sábado, 27 de junio de 2015

Which Route Should You Take for Your Niche Market Info Product?

Which Route Should You Take for Your Niche Market Info Product?

Both methods - write your own or hiring a writer - are equally valid and produce a similar result - a product for you to sell online! This is simply a matter of asking yourself..."Which do I have more of? Time or Money?"
If you've got oodles of time, write your own product.
Got oodles of money? Have it written by a freelance writer.
If you think you can't write your own info product for a niche market, my job today is to disagree with you. Listen, you don't have to be a highly-polished writer to offer valuable advice or strategies to people who are interested in your topic. Just because you haven't written a thing since high school doesn't mean you can't write today. If you have an interest or knowledge in a particular topic, or if you can hire a writer - then you are fully qualified to create and sell an ebook!
Here's a few tips on creating an ebook...

Tips on Writing Your Own Info Product eBook:

If it is a topic you specialize in, have a friend 'interview' you. Record the interview and type it out into a report.
Do the research first, then compile the information into organized 'chunks' of information, you'll see that a report virtually writes itself this way - just some fine tuning required. 
If spelling and grammatical errors are your pet peeve, get one of your 'smart' friends to edit or proof your work.
Free Confidence Booster: If you still think your work won't have value because you are the author, download some free (or paid) ebooks and have a look at the writing style (or lack of style) used.

Begin Your Niche Market Info Product Journey

We've seen that with either $130-$480 dollars and 6 hours, or with $30 and 13 hours you can easily Begin Your Journey to Wealth In A Weekend. The steps are outlined for you below to refresh, links to all course pages are at the bottom of this page, the yellow arrow will take you to the Set Up A Website page.
Evaluate an idea
Create the product
Set up a website
Write a sales letter
Accept credit card payments
Cheaply advertise your product

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