sábado, 27 de junio de 2015

What is Online Niche Marketing with a Mini-Site?

Wondering about the Niche Marketing Buzzword?

Here's how you use niche marketing to make money online...
Create a mini-site, that services a small tightly-focused market, to run on 'autopilot'.
These mini-sites do exactly this:
  • serve up a sales letter,
  • take the buyer to an order form,
  • and deliver a product.
The sites require almost zero upkeep, are a cinch to create the product for, and checks arrive monthly.

Does the Niche Marketing Concept Sound Too Good to be True?

Well it's not. This is the smartest, easiest way to start making an income online. Period.
What's more all the steps are here for you. For free. And I'll even help you by email if you need it. (I currently have 5 people who contact me directly. If you need me, just zip out an email.)
All I ask in return is your undying love (nah, just joking, but when you do make a success of yourself I'd love it if you email me and let me know!) Actually, my only hope is that when you've learned what you need to know and you're making sales - pay it forward. Mentor someone else!
What's Involved? What's to Learn? 
How to brainstorm and evaluate ideas and find a target market.
How to create a product to sell (how to either do the research and create it yourself, or how to pay someone else to do the work for you).
How to set up your own website. You don't need a 3 week course on html...can you type, can you cut and paste? You're in business!
How to write a sales letter and accept credit card payments.
How to cheaply advertise your product (so that you get ready-to-buy visitors to your site within 24 hours of setting up the order form).
Let's get going here...we'll start by looking at a few successful niche sites, and then we'll get your brain working like a idea generation machine...

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