sábado, 27 de junio de 2015

What is the Opportunity with Resale Rights Software?

What is the Opportunity with Resale Rights Software?

An age-old marketing concept, Resale Rights, have now hit the online marketing world in a very big way. Why? Because they are lucrative and every marketer knows that s/he can't reach the entire online marketplace alone.
You can buy resale rights to many proven seller ebooks and courses now, but few creators are opening the vaults to the highly profitable world of software sales.
Until just recently...
Increasing Traffic Video EBook - Resale Rights
A Video eBook with Resale Rights! Listen if you have a website and you want to increase your traffic and page rank in the search engines, these techniques are all you need to know to accomplish that in minimal time.
It's all in video/audio format - so easy, it's just like watching TV!
Even includes a section on blogging!
The creator suggests re-selling the package at $24.95 - you'll still be giving your visitors a great deal - but I'm selling it to you for $9.95. I know this is a bold move because you're probably now wondering how much value there could be in a product under $10, but my desire to sell it cheaply comes from the heart and is based on my personal mandate - to get you making money as quickly as possible online. This product will not only help you with your own website, but if you sell it on ebay or your site you could earn hundreds more from it!

Marketing Products with Resale Rights

Marketing Products with Resale Rights

The following products are products that have:
  • relative and current content and techniques pertaining to website promotion;
  • offer good value for the money (both for you and your customers);
  • works on most computers;
  • cater to newbie online entrepreneurs (rejuvenating market);
  • come with well-written high-yielding sales letters, graphics and mini-sites (plug and play, you just add your name and payment button);
  • seldom cause refund requests.
You'll note that I list three prices below:
  1. Suggested Retail Price: Sometimes the price is a condition set by the the author, at other times it is merely a suggestion. If it's a condition, I'll tell you so in my notes.
  2. Smartzville's Assessed Price (after evaluating the product and researching the potential for sales): This is the price I believe you should sell the product for - a fair market value that pleases you, the author, and the customer.
  3. Smartzville's Special Price: This is the price that I offer the product for on this site. I try to keep the prices low, without aggravating the author or overselling the product in the marketplace. I do this because I have a mission to help others get started making money online. If you absolutely cannot afford my low prices, but you are sure that the report you've got your eye on could make a big difference to your business, then just email me directly and, if allowed, I will give the product to you.

Resale Rights to: The Resale Rights Report

Entry Level Guide for Website Owners or Online Business Entrepreneurs who want to learn the ins and outs of making money with resale rights, master rights and more.
Excellent stand-alone product.
(sample sales letter)
  • Windows based PCs only
  • Full Master Resale Rights (give, sell or bundle)
  • Product, sales letter, graphics, web pages.
  • Suggested retail: $27
    Smartzville's suggested retail: $27
    (This one is priced right on the money in my opinion - fantastic, thorough content with a bonus freebie inside on generating traffic to your sales pages).
    Smartzville's Special Price: $17

Resale Rights to: How to Cash In With Private Label Rights

Entry Level Guide for people who want to know how to make fast money creating private label content. The markets to sell to, as well as ideas and links for promotion and packaging.
May also be offered as a bonus.
(sample sales letter)
  • Windows and MAC (pdf file)
  • Full Master Resale Rights (give, sell or bundle)
  • Decent stand-alone product.
  • Suggested retail: $9.95
    Smartzville's Assessed Price: $9.95 You're buying a tested idea and the fast track answers to making money with the concept. The report is small - only 13 pages - which is why I wouldn't try to suggest a higher selling price even though the product comes with Master Rights. The techniques are sound, the information top notch - more than I'd expected from a small report.
    Smartzville's Special Price: $7

Resale Rights to: Webmaster's Guide to Creative Marketing

  • Windows based PCs only
  • Full Master Resale Rights (give, sell or bundle)
  • Entry to Intermediate Level Guide for Website Owners with need-to-know information on FTC compliance, website marketing plans and defining your target market.
  • Decent stand-alone product.
  • Suggested retail: $14.99
    Smartzville's Assessed Price: $9 (this ebook has some fantastic 'basics' that so many of my own clients have missed, even after a year or more in business! The only reason I don't suggest you charge the suggested retail for this ebook is due to the extensive  self-promotion and obvious advertising within.)
    Smartzville's Special Price: $7

Resale Rights to: Video Product: 29 Website Tricks

  • Windows based PCs only
  • Full Master Resale Rights (give, sell or bundle)
  • 132 minutes of walk-through video with invaluable information.
  • Entry to early-Intermediate Level Guide for Website Owners who want to learn more about working with html - gaining control over your web pages, confidence in being able to fix formatting that goes awry, as well as creating pop ups that still pop, plus much more.
  • Excellent stand-alone product.
  • Suggested retail: $24.95
    Smartzville's Assessed Price: $24.95 This ebook is easily worth the suggested retail and the resale value is very good as the information is timeless with a growing market.
    Smartzville's Special Price: $9 (I want to cut you a good deal. I picked up the resale rights on this product for a really great price - I'm passing that onto you.)

Resale Rights to: Home Business Guide

  • Windows based PCs only
  • Full Master Resale Rights (give away, sell or bundle)
  • Extensive Content and Sound Advice - Highly Recommended Reading for all those planning on running a home based business.
  • Entry Level Home Based Business Guide
  • This great product would make a great bonus for another home based business idea product, or home based business start up kit. It covers all of the basics on running a home business - the physical, mental, emotional challenges. The legal implications, tax considerations, start up costs and much, much more. Page one is the author's plug, but your customers will appreciate the many pages of content within and, hopefully, follow the sage advice within. 
  • Suggested retail: $7.97
    Smartzville's Assessed Price: $7-9
    Smartzville's Special Price: $4

Resale Rights to: 36 Ways to Promote Your Favorite Affiliate Programs

  • Windows and MAC (pdf file)
  • Resale Rights (waiting on response from author whether it can be bundled with other products, resale rights can be sold or if the product can be given away).
  • Excellent stand-alone product.
  • Entry to Intermediate Level Guide for anyone who wants to promote affiliate products without losing their shirts. The author started out without a website and made over $2000 in the first few weeks of promoting affiliate programs without a website of his own! Later on, in one of his best months, he earned $16,405 just from ClickBank affiliate sales alone!
  • Suggested retail: $19
    Smartzville's Assessed Price: $19
    Well worth the asking price! 97 pages of top notch content, ideas and links for further information and study. This is actually a marketing course on making money promoting others products. Top notch!)
    Smartzville's Special Price: $17

Resale Rights to: ClickBank Security, Thank You and Follow Up Script

  • Windows and MAC compatible
  • Master Resale Rights
  • Excellent stand-alone product.
  • Easy to use script, fully automated and set up within minutes.
    • Stops hackers from finding your download page (and getting free access to your products)
    • Collects your buyers name and email addresses and adds them to your auto-responder account
    • Forwards customers directly to the download page and sends a follow up email note.
    • Sends you a sales notification email.
  • Suggested retail: $49.95
    Smartzville's suggested retail: $49.95
    (Easily one of the best deals here. This program will save you time and money, stops product theft, automates your sales process, and you can resell it over and over again.)
    Smartzville's Special Price: $19

Resale Rights to: How to Set Up A Secure Membership Site for Free

  • Windows only (No MACs)
  • Master Resale Rights
  • Excellent stand-alone product - very informative and helpful.
  • Step by step instructions with screen captures and explanations of the entire process.
  • Suggested retail: $24.95
    Smartzville's suggested retail: $9.95 (The only reason I suggest a low price is that this product is software specific (only shows you one membership management software to try) and using PayPal as the payment processor is not covered (although ibill.com, ccbill.com, paycom and others are covered). In my opinion this is a serious mistake as there are many membership management programs available now that work with PayPal. (I have one on my hard drive that I'll be posting in the new year for you.)
    Smartzville's Special Price: $7

Good Niche Marketing Guide to Help You

Good Niche Marketing Guide to Help You

Once I finished the free course - to help others start earning money in niche marketing websites - I had planned on writing a more in-depth guide on the subject, but got so side-swiped creating my own niche sites that I had to put the project off for a while.
And, I got to looking around and found a pile of other guides being released daily...
And, looking deeper still into the quality of the information available, I have learned that, as with most things in life, you generally get what you pay for. But I did find a fantastic resource that was supposed to sell for $47 and I bought the resale rights to it so that you could buy it cheaper here. See, I don't think knowledge should cost a fortune, especially to people just getting into the business...see the Niche Marketing Guide I've obtained for you. 
Unfortunately, in this arena, getting the 'cheapie' product is going to cost you lots more than your few dollar investment wasted. You'll pay dearly getting a 'steal of a deal' on an info product - by the time you invested reading and implementing the procedures recommended!
My Scottish grandmother has a saying - "Buy Cheap - Pay Dear" - if you need me to explain that just drop me a line.
Face it you can learn the hard way (er, like I did!) or you can follow in another successful entrepreneur's footsteps and get to success faster!

Niche Marketing Systems

If you're going to buy a 'system' that walks you through a series of techniques to get you creating an online income faster, then by all means first check out the guru you're going to follow! Make sure other people (not just me) recommend their work. Make sure you can see testimonials on their website. If they have one, sign up for their free course or newsletter. And by all means, make sure they 'practice what they preach' (i.e. if they're selling you information on how to succeed in a niche market, then they'd better have their hands in a few niche market businesses!).
If you get a product that doesn't suit your learning styel you'll end up frustrated, as many of the cheaper info-products don't fill in all the finer details of making money online - leaving you feeling dim and incompetent. That's no way to start a new business venture!
So, I say, "Get it from one who has gone before you and knows how to teach!"
You might have to pay a little more for the information from the marketer you've chosen to follow, but you'll shave hours off your learning curve and start making money sooner.

One on One Niche Marketing Help

Here's what I'm happy to do for all my readers...and I'll do this for anyone who asks...send me a paragraph or so about yourself, the business you're thinking of starting or information about your existing website. Let me know how much experience you have creating or promoting products online (it is absolutely okay if you are a newbie). I will do my best at that time to suggest next steps, promotion ideas, website resources, or other products you might like to check ou - geared to your experience and interest. I have been on many marketer's mailing lists for some time and I may be able to match you up with a trusted marketer who you can relate to.
For those of you who are too shy to contact me personally, I strongly endorse Phil Wiley's products (he's the master to get you started on a song) because he has such broad appeal with newbies and experienced online entrepreneurs alike. Plus, you'll get a free email consultation -- getting that from a busy and successful online marketer is invaluable!

Get Started Now - Your Niche Marketing Plan

Get Started Now - Your Niche Marketing Plan

Where to Go From Here...
Aren't you just dying to get started with niche marketing now that you've read through the whole course? (Niche Marketing course, page 1, is here.)
I have just one parting thought that I'd like to securely plant in your mind before you head off on your venture...
Most Niche Marketers (that's what you will call yourself once you've begun your journey), set up between 5-15 niche market sites (sometimes related to each other, but not always) from which they have easily replaced both their and their spouses' Monday to Friday, 9-5 incomes.

What does that mean for your niche marketing plan?

Once you're off and running with your first niche site - that you've built in a weekend's time and have seen profit from - reinvest that money into your next product or further learning from one of the Internet Marketing Gurus.
I know it is fun to receive checks in the mail of money that keeps rolling in for months on end, but wouldn't it be more fun to never punch a time clock again?
Re-invest in your niche business and your online education. Expand your product line, then get your next mini-business rolling in your next available weekend. Within no time at all you'll be ready to fire your boss and start enjoying life more fully.
Okay, Class Dismissed
Your Introduction to Niche Marketing is now complete. If you have a moment, please email me and let me know how you got on with the course or to ask any burning questions in your mind about Niche Marketing - I truly do value your input and time, and am here to help.
Remember: Learners are earners. I urge every reader to keep learning once they've applied the concepts presented here. Start making some money and once you've got a little experience and success behind you, don't stop there!
You are the best investment you can make - take some of the money you've made and learn more about making money online - along with increasing your knowledge, you will increase your profits. Smartzville sells more detailed guides as well as recommending other marketers 'next level' products.
In the More Niche Marketing section of this site you will find pages and links to each step involved in the Niche Marketing Strategy we've discussed. Choose the topic that interests you the most, sign up for a few free courses to get some more info under your belt and get busy!
All my best to you...drop me a line if you want to chat or have questions.

Which Route Should You Take for Your Niche Market Info Product?

Which Route Should You Take for Your Niche Market Info Product?

Both methods - write your own or hiring a writer - are equally valid and produce a similar result - a product for you to sell online! This is simply a matter of asking yourself..."Which do I have more of? Time or Money?"
If you've got oodles of time, write your own product.
Got oodles of money? Have it written by a freelance writer.
If you think you can't write your own info product for a niche market, my job today is to disagree with you. Listen, you don't have to be a highly-polished writer to offer valuable advice or strategies to people who are interested in your topic. Just because you haven't written a thing since high school doesn't mean you can't write today. If you have an interest or knowledge in a particular topic, or if you can hire a writer - then you are fully qualified to create and sell an ebook!
Here's a few tips on creating an ebook...

Tips on Writing Your Own Info Product eBook:

If it is a topic you specialize in, have a friend 'interview' you. Record the interview and type it out into a report.
Do the research first, then compile the information into organized 'chunks' of information, you'll see that a report virtually writes itself this way - just some fine tuning required. 
If spelling and grammatical errors are your pet peeve, get one of your 'smart' friends to edit or proof your work.
Free Confidence Booster: If you still think your work won't have value because you are the author, download some free (or paid) ebooks and have a look at the writing style (or lack of style) used.

Begin Your Niche Market Info Product Journey

We've seen that with either $130-$480 dollars and 6 hours, or with $30 and 13 hours you can easily Begin Your Journey to Wealth In A Weekend. The steps are outlined for you below to refresh, links to all course pages are at the bottom of this page, the yellow arrow will take you to the Set Up A Website page.
Evaluate an idea
Create the product
Set up a website
Write a sales letter
Accept credit card payments
Cheaply advertise your product

How Much Time or Money is Involved in Creating an Info Product?

How Much Time or Money is Involved in Creating an Info Product?

The first step in evaluating the "How Much" question is knowing first hand whether you will create your own product or hire a writer to do the work for you. Both processes and the required investments are outlined below.
Of course these are just baseline estimations. Depending on the info product you are thinking of creating, the length and detail of the content you'll provide in your ebook, and the price point you will be setting, time and expense will vary.
One quick way to determine how detailed your ebook will be and how much you'll be able to charge for it when you're finished is to check out the competition.
Note to new ebook creators: Don't be put off by the fact that competition exists! If you have competition for your product it generally means that there is a market for your information. All you need to do when you create your ebook is to ensure that your product is 'one better' than the existing product on the market. Checking out the competition will give you a good idea of price points - how much the market will pay - and best bet marketing practices. We'll talk more about this later or you can check out What's My Ebook Idea Worth? That ebook will take you through the steps of knowing your competition, evaluating a project before you start, and much more.
For now, let's get back to the outline of how much time and/or money is involved in creating and selling a niche market product.

Create Your Own Info Product

The table below shows that if you create the product yourself you'll need about 13 hours until product launch plus about $30 per month.
Create Your Own Product
Evaluate an idea
Create the product
Set up a website
Write a sales letter
Accept credit card payments
Cheaply advertise your product

Have an Info Product Written for You by an Ebook Author

If you hire a writer to create your product, you'll see that it will cost you between $130-$480 and about 6 hours of time. I'm not implying that you can launch your product in 5 hours -- the writer will need some time to research and write your project for you.
Hire A Writer
Evaluate an idea
Create the product
Set up a website
Write a sales letter
Accept credit card payments
Cheaply advertise your product
Which Route Will You Take?

Niche Marketing Steps and Strategy- What's Involved?

Here are the steps in short form...don't be put off the process because you have no experience with this. If you take the steps one at a time you'll find that each on it's own is relatively easy and you'll find all the information you need right on this website.

Niche Marketing Steps:

Evaluate an idea
Create the product
Set up a website
Write a sales letter
Accept credit card payments
Cheaply advertise your product
Friends, each one of these items are easy-as-pie to do yourself once you have the tools and the direction.
Right now you might be thinking..."But, I don't know how to do any of those things!" Believe me it is all much easier than you think...you're going to learn that not one of those steps are rocket-science, if you can read and follow directions, You Can Do This.

Niche Marketing Strategy

Stay with me and you'll see for yourself how easy this type of marketing strategy really is. It is fast it is to get through every step in niche marketing. (One Internet Marketing Guru I know of has a serious learning disability and he is making thousands every month selling just one of his niche products. His name is Joshua Shafran.)
No excuses! If Joshua can manage to work through this niche marketing strategy with a learning disability, if the fellow I've read about recently who is blind (that's right legally blind) is doing it, then you can do it. There are no excuses  that apply, only cop outs!
Now that my rant is over, let's get back to the concept of niche marketing, the steps and strategy. We'll define and determine how much time and money we're really talking about here. You will see that you really can begin your journey to wealth in a weekend from anywhere in the world.
How Much Time or Money?

What Did Niche Marketer Frank Kern Do to Make Money Every Month?

What Did Niche Marketer Frank Kern Do to Make Money Every Month?

Good question!
  • set up a website,
  • where he sells an instant downloadable ebook,
  • by order form (for $37 USD),
...on teaching your parrot to talk.
Frank doesn't own a parrot, never has, much less is he interested in parrots.
It gets better...
  • Frank didn't write the report, and,
  • I don't think Frank knows anything about website design either!
(Don't tell him I said so about the site design. I think he makes his own sites, they are super low budget, super easy, and he seems to think site designers aren't worth much! At any rate he's raking in the $s so who cares how ugly the site is?)
Whether he owns a parrot or not, or designs nice web pages or not, what really matters here is:
  • His information product is good (definitely worth the $37 if you have a parrot)!
  • He makes money every month on autopilot.
Frank took these small steps:
  1. Found a hungry market that was passionate about their interest (most people are passionate about their pets).
  2. Discovered their biggest concerns and questions.
  3. Hired a writer to create a document that answered those questions and concerns.
  4. Prepared a mini website (sales letter and order form).
  5. Advertised his offer on a Pay Per click search engine.
Are you starting to see the beauty of this concept?
Read over the bullet points above and think about how much time and effort Frank really put into this project - a project that earns him money every month! 

Definition of a Niche Market

Definition of a Niche Market

We've learned then that a 'niche market' is a tightly focused market.

Let's get right to an example of a niche market then:

The word 'bird' is one of the top 500 search terms on the Internet today - nearly 290,000 searches per month in the Overture network. You could say that 'bird' is a broad market with many searchers hungry for information on a 'bird' of some sort.
But what specifically are those people looking for and - perhaps more importantly - what can we sell them?
As it turns out a lot of them are looking for information on 'pet birds' (bird cages, bird books, training birds, etc).
Well, that narrows the market considerably but the term is still not focused enough to be considered a niche market.

Here's what one successful internet marketer did with a related niche market...

Frank Kern (a highly successful Internet Marketing guru), delved deeper into the pet birds market through a little research, (I'll show you how, it's easy). Frank discovered that there was quite a large amount of those people were actually searching for information on pet parrots.
Under further investigation Frank found that those people were hungry for information on talking parrots - more specifically, getting their parrot to talk.
What do you suppose Frank did with that information then? (Turn the page to see...)

What is Online Niche Marketing with a Mini-Site?

Wondering about the Niche Marketing Buzzword?

Here's how you use niche marketing to make money online...
Create a mini-site, that services a small tightly-focused market, to run on 'autopilot'.
These mini-sites do exactly this:
  • serve up a sales letter,
  • take the buyer to an order form,
  • and deliver a product.
The sites require almost zero upkeep, are a cinch to create the product for, and checks arrive monthly.

Does the Niche Marketing Concept Sound Too Good to be True?

Well it's not. This is the smartest, easiest way to start making an income online. Period.
What's more all the steps are here for you. For free. And I'll even help you by email if you need it. (I currently have 5 people who contact me directly. If you need me, just zip out an email.)
All I ask in return is your undying love (nah, just joking, but when you do make a success of yourself I'd love it if you email me and let me know!) Actually, my only hope is that when you've learned what you need to know and you're making sales - pay it forward. Mentor someone else!
What's Involved? What's to Learn? 
How to brainstorm and evaluate ideas and find a target market.
How to create a product to sell (how to either do the research and create it yourself, or how to pay someone else to do the work for you).
How to set up your own website. You don't need a 3 week course on html...can you type, can you cut and paste? You're in business!
How to write a sales letter and accept credit card payments.
How to cheaply advertise your product (so that you get ready-to-buy visitors to your site within 24 hours of setting up the order form).
Let's get going here...we'll start by looking at a few successful niche sites, and then we'll get your brain working like a idea generation machine...

What You WILL Learn in this niche marketing guide:

What You WILL Learn in this niche marketing guide:

The money making system you're about to discover is Niche Marketing - a very fancy term for a very easy system. We'll go through it together, step-by-step. It should take you about 20 minutes to read it all.
You are going to learn all the how-to, start up information of niche-marketing with info product ebooks in this free guide.
You will not waste money or time starting your online business, because I will lay out each step for you, including a break down of just how much time, or money, or both, is required to set up a niche marketing business.
What You Absolutely Will NOT Learn Here:
Building mass amounts of unrelated traffic to your website.
Sending unsolicited email to people.
Any other time-wasting, money-wasting or unethical activity.

Making A Living Online

Making A Living Online

Your Attention Please...
This course has the potential to change your lifestyle and your family's lifestyle completely. Give it your undying attention and dedication for the next 20 minutes.
I'm not kidding - I don't usually go for writing that sounds like hype and overkill, but what you're about to learn in this short online course is exactly what I learned when I first began working from home. Within a month I was running my online business, within 6 months I had completely replaced my income, and today the only people I 'answer to' are my clients and customers. How I work, what I'm working on, and how much money I make is completely up to me. It's important to know that I'm no more gifted or intelligent than you are, but I have worked hard over the last year growing my business to the point where it is today. Let's not worry about the hard work in growing a future business right now though okay? Let's just focus on getting you started making some money online quickly.
You are about to learn one of the most reliable methods to making a living online with integrity.
  • Close all your browser windows;
  • Turn off your instant messenger and computer speakers;
  • ...now shut your office door.
Once you have the information here you will be poised to begin your online entrepreneurial business venture with minimal time and start up funds.

How can you be sure this works to make a living online, and that you can trust me with your time?

Well you can simply take my word that it works, or you can run a search at google for 'info product income' (or something related. You can trust me because I'm not trying to sell you anything right now - all the information you need is contained on this website and it is completely free training. Now don't get me wrong - I am a business woman with mouths to feed - I will recommend resources along the way in this course as well as show you some products that I am selling but you don't have to buy anything to get started making money online with the information in this course. Even the resources I mention (and I find the best deals for you) can be found for free online with a little bit of searching on google or yahoo.
What's important here is that you'll be gathering the information in this course to get started - all for free. I make no money in sharing this information with you, I'm doing it merely to pay the favor forward...

Have You Researched Ways to Make Money Already?

Like you I'm sure, I've seen quite a few money schemes and scams. I have seen friends sign up for programs that they failed at. And I've read many of the "fast-money-now" materials. It drives me crazy that there are so many disreputable marketers taking money from hard working people by selling them systems and plans that are built on dreams of a better life and shoddy foundations.
The information contained here is the bare-bones concept (enough to get you started making money) with some helpful links for further study. Make no mistake, you'll have all the information you need - this guide has kick-started many successful online incomes -- It's Your Turn.
Go ahead and shout it out loud: "It's My Turn!"

Mini-Sites work great for selling e-books and info-products to a niche market...

Mini-Sites work great for selling e-books and info-products to a niche market...

But for the person new to making money online, setting up any site - mini or not - can be a daunting task. 
Highly specialized websites with lots of links, scripts and graphics require time and talent, experience or training, and a fair chunk of cash.
Thankfully, that is not the type of website you'll need for your niche market mini-site.

All you need for a mini-site is one page with an 'Order Here' link.

There are usually 2 steps involved in setting up your own niche-market site.
First you register your domain, and then you set up a hosting account. 
I'm really excited about this because I've never seen hosting prices and service that matches this (and I've been online creating websites of all sizes for a number of different clients since 1996).
Here's where starting an online business becomes simplified...
Your domain name is registered to you for when you set up your hosting account. You choose your account size and type, enter the domain name you want to register or use, add your personal details and your account is created.
If you need help you'll find online live support 24 hours a day/7 days per week. A little chat window opens up with knowledgeable staff ready to assist! They'll either walk you through any process you need to understand, do it for you, or explain it until it makes sense to you.
The easy part's over. Now you have your domain name and your hosting account...what's next?

I Don't Know How to Make a Web Page!

If you are, in fact, just starting out with your first website and you don't want to go through the hair pulling experiences of learning how to edit an html document, ftp files to a server, etc. grab the second cheapest account type.
It happens to be called 'shared - baby'.

Build Web Pages or Set Up A Blog...

With the Shared - Baby package you get free access to a Site Builder account that will literally create your website for you. You choose a 'look', enter your text, answer a few questions, select some images off your hard drive if you want, presto - your site is online. The service is free with your $10 hosting account (value $159, so you're getting quite a deal)! You can also skip Site Builder and perform a one-click install to set up a WordPress blog (very popular with people new to website creation due to it's ease of use).
Another nice feature with this level of a hosting account is that you can use the same account to host multiple websites on it - no more fees, same price per month no matter how many websites you build.
I first thought "At these prices there must be something wrong the host!", but I signed up anyway. Don't let that cheap price fool you, these guys know what they're doing and they deliver on their promises.

Not a Newbie to Setting Up Websites?

This host is still my top choice for online business. Why? The 99.9% uptime has a lot to do with it, but I do like hosting accounts with cPanel management - you can set up a blog, shopping cart, bulletin board, chat room, guest book, FAQ page and more with just one click from a cPanel managed account.