sábado, 27 de junio de 2015

What Did Niche Marketer Frank Kern Do to Make Money Every Month?

What Did Niche Marketer Frank Kern Do to Make Money Every Month?

Good question!
  • set up a website,
  • where he sells an instant downloadable ebook,
  • by order form (for $37 USD),
...on teaching your parrot to talk.
Frank doesn't own a parrot, never has, much less is he interested in parrots.
It gets better...
  • Frank didn't write the report, and,
  • I don't think Frank knows anything about website design either!
(Don't tell him I said so about the site design. I think he makes his own sites, they are super low budget, super easy, and he seems to think site designers aren't worth much! At any rate he's raking in the $s so who cares how ugly the site is?)
Whether he owns a parrot or not, or designs nice web pages or not, what really matters here is:
  • His information product is good (definitely worth the $37 if you have a parrot)!
  • He makes money every month on autopilot.
Frank took these small steps:
  1. Found a hungry market that was passionate about their interest (most people are passionate about their pets).
  2. Discovered their biggest concerns and questions.
  3. Hired a writer to create a document that answered those questions and concerns.
  4. Prepared a mini website (sales letter and order form).
  5. Advertised his offer on a Pay Per click search engine.
Are you starting to see the beauty of this concept?
Read over the bullet points above and think about how much time and effort Frank really put into this project - a project that earns him money every month! 

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